Poor Stewards

In John Wesley's time the poor were dealt with on behalf of the society by 'visitors of the sick' and the society stewards, who disbursed financial help. After his death it became customary for a collection for the poor to be taken during the Lord's Supper by the Poor's Stewards (now called Communion Stewards), who prepare the elements and direct the communicants to the Lord's table. The office was often seen as the lowest rung on the ladder of lay office. The offering, now called the Benevolence Fund, is used primarily to relieve local poverty and distress.

  • J.C. Bowmer, The Lord's Supper in Methodism 1791-1960 (1961) pp. 32-33
  • Constitutional Practice and Discipline Vol 2 Book III, S.O. 637, 651

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