The Vanners were Huguenots who were involved in silk weaving in Spitalfields, London from 1717. Elizabeth Vanner née Davis(1762-1841), the wife of John Vanner I, was buried at Wesley's Chapel. Their son John Vanner II (1800-1866) of Stamford Hill was a silk weaver and merchant and was circuit steward for 20 years. He was involved in the founding of the City Bank in 1856. He married Sarah Engelbert. Of their six children, one daughter, Jane Vanner (18 October 1829 - 16 September 1913), married George Stringer Rowe and three married into the Early family.
John Vanner III (1822-1902) married Elizabeth Early, lived at Banbury and was Home Mission treasurer. He died on 20 October 1902. His sister Sarah Vanner married Charles Early. A brother James Engelburtt Vanner (1831-1906) married Maria Early, lived at Stamford Hill and then at Campden Wood, Chiselhurst. As a Director of the City Bank he was largely responsible for its successful merger with the Midland Bank in 1898. He was Home Mission treasurer, treasurer of the NCHO, benefactor of the Wesley Deaconess Institute and the London Mission and author of the hymn 'Morning comes with light all-cheering' (MHB 928). He died on12 May 1906. Another brother William Vanner (1834-1900) was treasurer of the Connexional Sunday School Union and served on the Foreign Missions and Auxiliary Fund Finance: ministerial Committees. He was one of only five laymen to have attended every Wesleyan Conference since Lay Representation was introduced in1878. He died in Banbury on 3 August 1900.