Buckenham, Henry
1844-1896; e.m. 1869

He was born at Fakenham on 7 May 1844. He was the first PM missionary in South Africa (1870-75), where he single-handedly pioneered work among separate black and white congregations at Aliwal North. After service at home and in Fernando Po (now Equatorial Guinea), he agreed to establish a mission in Mashukulumbweland, Zambia. His party crossed the Kalahari Desert and the Zambezi and reached their destination after a journey of nearly five years (1889-94), held up both by the Lozi king, who said his Ila vassals would butcher them, and by the repeated need to make replacement wheels for the ox-wagons. In spite of illness and injury he established two widely separated posts, but died while returning south, on 1 July 1896.Fakenham, Norfolk

  • A. Baldwin, A Missionary Outpost in Central Africa (n.d.)