Dunman, Sidney Joseph Palmer
1843-1913; e.m. 1864

WM minister, born at Bridgewater, Som. He trained for the ministry at Richmond College and his association with Dr. George Scott in the Macclesfield Circuit aroused his enthusiasm for overseas missions. But in the event his ministry was in home circuits. He was a member of the editorial committee for the 1877 revision of Wesley's 1780 Collection of Hymns and contributed several tunes to it. His tunes were set to hymns in various languages, including Kaffir, Japanese, Portuguese and Italian. Hymns and Psalms includes 'St. Winifred', set to 'Cradled in a Manger, meanly', which first appeared in the WM Sunday School Hymn Book of 1879. He died at Bristol on 30 March 1913.