WM Librarian, born on 31 December 1861 in London. He was Librarian of the John Rylands Library, Manchester for 49 years, so that it was said, 'Mrs Rylands founded the John Rylands Library, Henry Guppy made it.' He went from Sion College Library to Manchester in 1899 and became Librarian there in 1900. Gifts from the Rylands family (whose primary intention had been to assist further study for Nonconformist ministers) enabled him to embark on prodigious collection-building. He edited the Library's Bulletin from 1908 until his death and did extensive editorial work over the Library's imprint. He also edited the Library Association's Record, and was made Honorary Fellow (1902) and President (1926) of the Association. After World War I he played a leading role in reconstituting Louvain University Library. He died at Buxton on 4 August 1948.