Ituk Mbang hospital

The hospital was founded in 1931 in south-eastern Nigeria by a PM missionary, Ernest Edward Pritchard (1887-1963; e.m. 1911). It was originally known as the Mary Leuty Hospital, after the founder and secretary of the PM Women's Missionary Federation. Under Dr. J.C. Morris from 1933 it developed as a major surgery centre, for which his wife trained African nurses. A leper colony was also associated with it. Under Dr. Harry Haigh from 1940 to 1969, it became a general hospital of national repute, including a training centre for nursing and midwifery, a nurses' hostel and a Maternity Village. By 1962 it was staffed by three doctors, a matron, assistant matron and sister tutor, with supporting nursing staff, and had 211 beds. Among those who worked there was Dr. Howard Souster. During the 1967-70 Biafran War it was a centre for treating the wounded and for feeding the victims of the blockade. The 'scorched earth' policy of the retreating Biafrans left it in a condition from which it struggled to recover. The Nigerian government took over the hospital, but handed it back to the Nigerian Methodist Church in 2005.

See also Medical missions.