King, Mrs Dorothea (née Garret)
1732- 1817

Irish Methodist, born on 4 December 1732 in Dublin, the daughter of Thomas Garret(t), a Dublin merchant of Dutch birth. She was persuaded c.1748 to marry a Mr. King, but the marriage proved disastrous and, finding herself ill-treated, she returned to her own family. She was converted following a encounter with George Whitefield in 1757, and in 1762, during a revival, received 'a baptism of the Holy Spirit in sanctifying power', the effect of which remained with her for the rest of her life. An attractive and cultured personality, she showed great benevolence to those in need. She became a friend of Hester Ann Rogers and corresponded with John Wesley. In 1784 she married the itinerant John Johnson, living in retirement in Lisburn. Wesley considered the revival of the society there to be due to her influence. She died on 19 January 1817.

  • C.H. Crookshank, Memorable Women of Irish Methodism (1882) pp.53-62
  • Letters of John Wesley, vols. 6 & 7 passim