Lives of the Early Methodist Preachers

These were autobiographical records collected by Thomas Jackson chiefly from the Arminian Magazine and from personal accounts sent to John Wesley. The first edition in three volumes was published in 1837-8; followed by a second edition in five volumes (1846), a third in six volumes (1865-56) and a fourth, also in six volumes and 'with additional lives' (totalling 41) in 1871. The lives vary considerably in length and reflect the very varied backgrounds and education of the early itinerants. They are written with artless simplicity and sincere conviction, each detailing his own conversion and experience in the itinerancy. In 1912-14 John Telford re-edited them under the title Wesley's Veterans; he omitted five, but added in most cases an obituary taken from the Minutes of Conference.

  • Frederick C. Gill, The Romantic Movement and Methodism: a study of English Romanticism and the Evangelical Revival (1937) pp.79-95
  • WHS Proceedings 22 pp.102-5