Edwards, Eric
1908-2003; e.m. 1935

Born in Coedpoeth, near Wrexham, he spent virtually the whole of his ministry in north Wales. Among many duties he served as Secretary of the Welsh Book Room Committee for 16 years and Book Steward for 8 years and edited the Welsh Methodist Diary for 12 years. He was elected President of the Welsh Assembly in 1972. He published an account of his ministry in a series of articles in Y Gwyliedydd and subsequently reprinted them as an illustrated booklet, O Gylchdaith i Gylchdaith ('From Circuit to Circuit'; privately printed, undated). He regularly contributed historical articles to Methodist journals. His book, Yr Eglwys Fethodistaidd: hanes ystadegol am aelodau, gweinidogion, capelau, &c. yn y Taleithiau Cymraeg ('The Methodist Church: a statistical history of members, ministers, chapels, &c. in the Welsh Districts'; 1980 with a Supplement, 1987)) is a valuable compendium of historical information.


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Category: Person
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