Vice-President of the Conference 2004-5. Born in Framwellgate Moor, Co.Durham, she was introduced to Methodism at an early age and was led to faith by a Billy Graham Crusade. After initial work as a telephonist, she was accepted for the Wesley Deaconess Order in 1974 and trained at The Queen's College, Birmingham, where she met, and in 1977 married, her husband, Stephen J Poxon (e.m. 1975, President 2008-9). She worked for a year at the NCH Ladywood family centre while her husband completed his training, after which both offered for overseas service and were stationed in the St Ann's Bay Circuit in Jamaica (1979-1985). Ordained in Kingston in the January, on July 2 1985 she became the last person to be received by the Conference into the Wesley Deaconess Order. She has served in circuit appointments in Cardiff and Preston, and was Connexional President of Network (1991-2) and Vice-President of the MethodistDiaconal Order (1995-6).
[D.of.b for future reference 10 June 1954]
Methodist Recorder, 17 June 2004