Maddison, George
1873-1906 (e.m. 1901)

WM missionary in South Africa, born at Evenwood in the Bishop Auckland Circuit. After training at Headingley College, he arrived in the Transvaal in 1904, but less than two years later he was wounded in a suburban street in Johannesburg while trying to help a European being attacked by a group of Kaffirs. He died in hospital on 19 July 1906, just before his 33rd birthday. His murderers pleaded drunkenness but were convicted. Before their execution they appealed to the Synod to prevent European settlers from supplying the natives with liquor.

  • Methodist Recorder, 19 July and 16 August 1906
  • G.G. Findlay and W.W. Holdsworth, History of the Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society, IV pp352-3