Christian Journal, The

This was a weekly newspaper published throughout 1885 alongside the </span>Methodist Recorder<span class="font-italic">. Both the names of its contributors, its advertisements and much of its contents clearly reflect its Methodist origin., as does the fact that it was published from 161 Fleet Street, the address of the Methodist Recorder at that time.

Contributors to the first issue include J. Robinson Gregory and notably a sermon by Dr. R.W.Dale of Carrs Lane, Birmingham, which is give pride of place. The Editorial gives no indication of the individuals responsible for its genesis, but declares: 'Our main design is to address ourselves to the intellectual and spiritual improvement of the Christian congregation rather than to the plant and politics of the cause. It seems to us the great need of the times is the enrichment of the soul of the people; in this direction we will do whatever is in our power. The Christian Church has suffered immensely by forsaking the highest platform, and wasting time and force in controversies which are little more than beating the water into foam. No doubt the trumpet as well as the trowel plays its part in the development of the kingdom of God; the trumpet, however, is generally in request, and wind is apparently the last thing that will be wanting; so we are content to address ourselves to the humbler task of the trowel.'

Later issues included articles by J.H. Rigg on 'Wesley as Preacher' and 'Wesley's Itinerancy'; but reports also on the Wesleyan and other Methodist Conferences and the Anglican Convocation, clearly indicate the intention to present an interdenominational coverage, The final issue on 30 December 1885 states that the Recorder 'will in future include some of the features of this Journal, and which from the first inst will be permanently enlarged'.


'December 31st [1885] The Christian Journal is dead! How excited we were about it last year this time. The 'Recorder' is enlarged. 'Methodist Times' is flourishing and enters on its second year.'

Helen G. McKenny, A City Road Diary,9(1978) p.13