WM architect, born on 16 April 1854 at Oldham. He was in practice with Edward Potts from 1880 to 1889/90, opening a Manchester office in 1882. On leaving the practice, Dixon set up his office in Oldham. His chapels include Washbrook PM, Oldham (1892-93), Ilford Lane UMFC, Ilford (1901), Petty Memorial PM, Monkgate, York (1903), High Park WM, Southport (1904) and King Street IM, Oldham (1905-6). It was probably the influence of W.P. Hartley that got him the commission for Church Street PM, Southport, the 'jam chapel' (1907), an extension to Hartley College, Manchester (c.1907-10), and also extensions to the former Holborn Town Hall (c.1909) when it became Holborn Hall, the PM headquarters in London. He was mayor of Southport in 1906-1907 and a JP.
(Lancaster, 1998)